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A Note from the Horsted family
Dear Friends,
Anyone who meets Jackson for the first time can sum up his personality in this one word: happy. Jackson is ‘Mr. Social’. He loves life and one of his gifts is his ability to brighten anyone’s day with joy and smiles. He is truly a shining star, and we feel so incredibly blessed that he is ours.
When we adopted Jackson as an infant, we felt like it was meant to be. This precious boy was destined to be in our family. He is so loved by everyone and we still can’t believe how lucky we are that we were chosen to become his parents. His little sister, Kella, is very determined and persistent. She will be strong for Jackson, protect him, and be his best friend.
Jackson was diagnosed with Salla Disease in July of 2017. This diagnosis, however, does not define Jackson. He is our sweet, lovable, happy boy who loves hockey, fishing, baseball, eating cheeseburgers, playing cars, and watching Daniel Tiger. We would move mountains for him if we could.
We are so thankful for all of your support as we move forward on this journey fighting his rare disease. It is our hope that the medical community will learn much more about Salla Disease and work towards developing a treatment for others who are, or will be, affected.
Kristina and Ian Horsted